Knowing When to Seek Medical Help During And After Pregnancy

Oct 03, 2024By Nourish Nurture
Nourish Nurture

When to present to hospital/ seek medical attention after birth AKA “When should I be concerned about myself or my baby”:

Pregnancy is a unique journey for every woman. It involves many changes in the body. These changes can sometimes be confusing. It's important to know what is normal and what is not. Understanding your body helps you make informed decisions.

pregnancy symptoms
pregnancy support

- If you are still bleeding after 6 weeks
- If the bleeding has stopped and restarted
- If the bleeding has increased
- Pass any clots larger than a 20c piece
- If your postnatal bleeding stops and then starts again
- If your postnatal bleeding is malodorous or painful
- Signs of infection in your wound (if you have one) Signs of Mastitis

- Signs of Postnatal Depression
- The soft spot on the top of their head is full or bulging
- High pitched crying or screaming
- Difficulty rousing or not waking for feeds
- Your baby is lethargic - ie baby not waking for feeds, not as alert, falling asleep easily.
- If you think baby is more jaundiced If baby does not urinate once in a 24 hour period

In summary, knowing when to seek medical help during pregnancy is crucial. Pay attention to your body and trust your instincts. Regular check-ups and a strong support system can make a big difference. Always prioritize your health and well-being.